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No easy answers, when you suffers from this illness. Both my daughter and I rarely needed antibiotics. My family doctor said I will only have a 53% immunity if I only have one shot. I have no idea if the pain is going to stay away, but I’m sure enjoying this right now. The morning is the worst, as is my fibromyalgia in general. The fact that 60-65% of people stated the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines produced mild to non-existent side effects was encouraging. My ME was triggered by a Hayfever injection and then as I recovered a little I felt well enough to travel needing a course of the Hepatitis . I’m considering getting the J&J one very soon. To help us navigate covid and vacs…, I wonder if it would be possible to make a timeline how do answer the questions at a wk after a month after ect… or just jot in when things go off the rail should that happen and log the date . I do not wish to get covid. of store under 45min. The reports from people three months after coming down with a suspected coronavirus infection (n=131) were not encouraging. Twenty-eight percent of people fit this profile in the vaccine side-effects poll. I’m over 2 weeks out and there is some improvement but not much. I hope you improve and soon. She lives 5 hours away. She took the vaccine and the first dose made her so sick she said it felt like Covid again, only without the respiratory problems. I don’t believe ‘big pharma’ has it out for us or any other conspiracy theories. Does anybody here on would like to turn into a Hemp and CBD reviewer with us and review CBD products like CBD Vape Juice DM me if you would like to get involved. I have been in a pain clinic for most of past 2 yrs and just starting to feel better. Perhaps that is asking too much though… I would be happy enough if the numbers just added up better on the existing questions. amzn_assoc_default_search_category = ""; Feels like a crap shoot for your life. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "patientrising-20"; Even though I had the long covid (got rid of it after 5 months with 4 sessions of the 10 Pass Ozone IV) I don’t want to be a guinea pig. My mind is clear and I have a little more stamina. Do you plan to run the survey for three months and then post the results? Vaccines do cause long term changes in some antibody levels….Maybe those are the antibodies you need??? I simply couldn’t answer the questions yet. If you could have added to reactions a tick box for needing hospital admission, needed EPIpen after, or needing new medical treatment for side effects (not just extra pain killers that you already have) that would be great – these are classed as the severe adverse reactions in trials (worse ME would not be). at least 4 days (am on 4th day today. First of all, THANK YOU for doing this! That – a rash which showed up a week or so later – was mentioned in the studies. I tried to do a quick link to the results but the results link is generated by the program and for some reason duplicating it didn’t work. It popped up on the 8th day. She ran tests and said i can see you had mono at that time and your Epstein Barr virus levels were astronomical off the charts _ her exact words. I am always looking for more info and ways to learn about anything and everything….so take this for what it’s worth, and I’ll shut up now!! Spent 4.5 hours in ER. Hoping for the best. I was prepared for a personal Armageddon. With me it is much more the physical manifestation like PEM. 19. That has been postponed until after I take the second shot. She figured out immediately and told me what I had. Is it possible to parse out the more severe patients and show how they do? Most of these are mild and short term. After 5 years of seeing all kinds of doctors he was given the diagnosis of fibromyalgia and CFS. I had Covid 19 in July and I have had RA autoimmune issues for many years. I want to take the Covid vaccine though. Most people are reporting no or mild side effects – isn’t that info on side effects? As always, appreciate you Cort. I am also creating a screenshot of the results which I will use to see if they change over time. i’m on Ketotifen (mast cell stabilizer), and i do wonder if that helps a bit to alleviate where the symptoms come from. – In this case 256 is the correct number. It has reassured me that I am not alone in still having side effects. Blood groups play a big role for chances of actual Covid severity. Blood pressure climbed to 202/96. But it took 2 weeks and didn’t seem that gradual. Lastly, I am looking forward to seeing more respondents on the J&J vaccine…. There is no indication at present of any serious side-effects with any of these vaccines. Much more research needs to be done. Most people appear to be having a far easier time getting over any side effects from the vaccine than getting over the coronavirus. I had Covid in March, I was incredibly sick for 45 days and I now have Raynauds which is likely permanent . None was serious - a common one was some soreness around the injection site, the UK … Covid-19 vaccine side effects. Now I’m afraid to get the second shot. Maybe someone else can attach it? I would say that the risk of getting COVID in somebody with fibromyalgia and having worsening symptoms is much greater than the risk of having a vaccine. My immune system is compromised due to 4 rounds of chemo and 6 weeks of radiation. (Also, why the Pfizer shot seems to have lesser side effects than the Moderna). But she recovered within a couple weeks. I had my first Pfizer shot and it went fine. Hi Betsy – what I heard on NPR this morning was that you should only take the anti inflammatory after the onset of symptoms. Will get in touch with my ME All these horror stories on the net as well. Fauci said he had symptoms for 36 hours after getting the second shot (he got Moderna). Hi Suzanne, just curious if your still pain free? I am a patient of Dr. Eric Gordon, an eminent M.E. and later denied my attempt to see Dr Davies despite I had ppo. We’ve had our second Pfizer vaccine Thank you for the information. I’ve been ill for 30 years and I am frozen in fear to think that the vaccine could make me worse. Please note that a much larger percentage of people who actually got an infection report they still had symptoms three months than people getting the vaccine. do you mind sharing where you had the ozone therapy done? I I am still attractive with a decent figure. Able to perform deskwork 2-3 hours a day, but requires rest periods. Do you have these issues as well? My answers were spot on with those with highest percentages. I had the 1st Pfiser shot one week ago and it greatly reduce my ME/CFS fatigue and brain fog. Thank you for this. Interesting thing is he also never gets sick, not even a mild cold. But I didn’t end up on life support so who am I to complain. The second dose of Shingrix last Feb put me in the hospital twice over a 3 month period and I’m still not back to where I was b4. geez this really stinks didn’t have these issues before the first shot. My side effects include extreme body aches. So maybe blood group would also play a role in the possible strength of reaction of ME patients to the vaccine. I read your response to Jennifer and Niki, and I understand where you are coming from. Mild/Mod ME/CFS by Montoya).Montoya told me my case was Severe, Since they say not to take any immuno suppressant before getting the shot, because it can lessen the effect of the shot, I figured I’d just try to give my body the best chance by hydrating as much as possible. He is a member of the Australian Academy of Science’s COVID-19 Expert Database. Keep hydrated (try oral rehydration solution, keep rested, try to stay as relaxed as possible. I had my first Pfizer vaccine a month ago. Some vaccines with hard adjuvents in it, such as aluminum, take as much as two years before prejudicial manifestations and consequences. Severe muscle aches and pains. I really, really do appreciate what you’re trying to do. They say it should be fine but I know that you’re not supposed to receive shots when you’re sick because doing so can make you VERY sick. I would be very interested in reviewing Hemp and CBD products. So I’m very anxious to get the vaccine, because I wasn’t vaccinated since my early youth. Congratulations Dana on your recovery. Twenty years later is when ME/CFS hit in earnest, which is a pattern with vaccine issues. I am in public and to my knowledge have not caught covid. It’s normal to experience side effects after the vaccine. I feel like regular person for the first time in 3 years, casually resting; not wiped out. Never get flu shot, last time 2001 and got sick immediately next day I am going on 8 years with ME, diagnosed for 5. I am sorry to hear this happened to you. Even hand washed the car, first time in about a year that I have been able to do that. Again, the only reason I bring this up is for education, a simple description of what makes it different from other vaccines. It’s too soon for most people to take the poll. than contracting COVID once again? He’s experienced chronic pain and fatigue ever since. We all just have to choose one. (The Johnson & Johnson vaccine results were just released: it is effective (72%) against the common form of the variant but not against the South African  B.1.351 variant. My ME/CFS doctor told me in no uncertain terms to get the shot. Fingers crossed this will last . Mild symptoms lasting up to a week are considered normal, according to the NHS website . I’ve had CFS for 2 years now. i also have mcs. She initially thought I had Lupus then after almost 8 months settled on FM. I’ll wait at least one year until there are studies showing that people with CFS are not adversely affected and also if and how effective these vaccines really are. I’m 49 and having CFS since almost 20 years, but got the diagnosis only few years ago, although I knew that I have it, only the doctors were always blaming my symptoms on stress and so on. This usually starts around 9:30 and goes until I eat lunch. petite face perfect. I do think that participants are answering some of the questions too soon, and some parts not at all, for all the reasons Niki stated that could happen. I’m going to take the 2nd shot, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed. European drug regulators say there is a possible link between the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid-19 shot and rare blood clots, as UK authorities recommended that people under 30 … Wouldn’t that be nice if there actually were any studies! A full list of common side effects of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine is available on GOV.UK. But I also read that some newer strains of covid are evolving techniques around the human immune system, if so then a vaccine for that (yet to be developed) would be important. Everyone is different though and will have to go with So for me, all of these side effects are pretty much the same as my normal side effects, times 10. But we can’t take them too soon after being vaccinated as the body needs time to build immunity after each shot. Let me know how you are doing Right now I’m staying home 100% of the time… and also questioning people from my bubble everyday about where they have been hanging around …, Hi Cort – Thanks for running these pieces on Covid. Maybe that helped, maybe not. At least a month after coming down with the infection, many (59%) said they still had symptoms of the virus (23% – much worse off, 15% – moderately worse off, 21% – somewhat worse off.) Time will tell! Most side effects are mild and only last for a day or so, such as: slightly raised temperature; muscle aches Can’t wait for my 2nd shot in 2 weeks. 6 hours before vaccination, but it is most accurate to say only that there is “some” research supporting this advice. If you think forward to this summer when a lot of people are vaccinated, governments will relax restrictions, people will become less likely to social distance, wear mask, etc. Half dose will probably be too strong as 5 years ago I took the baby dose (half the adult dose 4 weeks apart) of the flu shot and permanently severely worsened my ME, bedridden a year, couch bound 2 more years, and only now can I go out a little more, however still severely worsened. I have FM which I believe was triggered by a flu vaccine 3 years ago when I was 50. I am not going to over do it this time. I looked up the ingredients of these vaccines and I won’t post them here but there is no way I’m going to let pharma ruin my life even more. Pat, how are you doing? thanks so much for any info. I had my 2nd Pfizer shot on Friday, March 12. It became a more severe and debilitating BEAST than ever before. It has been approved in use in 60 countries. If we had waited for data on both shots we would have had to wait a month or so to get data on how people did with the first shot. They may include: These common side effects are much less serious than developing coronavirus or complications associated with coronavirus and they usually go away within a few days. For now, I am not even eligible for a vaccination (too young, none of the recognized pre-existing conditions), but when I am I am very strongly leaning towards getting vaccinated. The Astrazeneca vaccine made me so sick.,,,,,,,,,, Hormones (thyroid, testosterone, progesterone, estrogen, hydrocortisone). Much easier than trying to navigate VAERS especially since VAERS has been down for a few days. There’s this alarming 2012 study on the flu shot for ME/CFS sufferers . Either way there’s some risk. I only took one vaccination as I became so ill with ME and that was thirty years ago . When will you be posting any of the results of the polls? I thought, “This isn’t too bad!” But starting day 4 I started going down. Hmm- I can’t seem to find the actual results of this poll- have they been tabulated yet (or partially?) amzn_assoc_search_type = "search_widget"; I am an RN and MPH with a strong background in public health and vaccines. Started a few days after the Pfizer vaccine and has persisted for a month. Say you believe the Covid vaccine has triggered the same reaction. I worked in infectious disease in a major university. The U.K.’s experience has been illuminating. Interestingly there is also emerging evidence that the covid vaccine improves symptoms in some long-covid patients. If you’ve already had COVID, are you pointlessly putting yourself at risk getting the vaccine (even though there are various virus strains out there)? I will be curious to see how ME patients do with it. Too scary for me. Although my ex husband is still supportive and he did help a lot with our 3 kids during the worst times of my illness. Covid-19 vaccine shocking side effects. 95% are scam,counterfeit, Purchase DIRECT ( I is not cap) soft fold. I had the AstraZeneca and apart from a sore arm, not due to the vaccine but due to the person administering the injection the only bad thing was one headache the like of which I have never experienced but that was 24 hours then went. Despite a national lockdown in early January the number of coronavirus patients in hospitals is slmost double it’s prior peak. I had my second Pfizer shot yesterday. I did not go online and read. IC involves mast cell degranulation (the mast cells release histamine and other inflammatory substances with the slightest provocation). I had a coldsore appear, which I haven’t had for most of my ME years. And have remained worsened with only a slight improvement . The AstraZeneca vaccine, on the other hand, appears to be producing many more side effects and would appear to be the last choice. (Btw LENS Low Energy Neurofeedback System has cured all my CFS symptoms, migraines, tinnitus and anxiety for last few years.) My doctor advised the significance in the risks of not taking it, and the risks in taking it. Weighing the benefits and risks. That study you pointed to is very small and had no symptom data. The Pfizer vaccine is an mRNA vaccine that has a 95% effectiveness rate. Each trial is listed and you can get to the source data small box index. EMT took my I posted above a study on the flu shot and ME/CFS in which cytokines were overreacting weeks after the flu shot. My long term marriage ultimately did not withstand this as it changed everything. I’m in the same situation. Several other more medical-sounding names were considered but dismissed because they lacked definitive proof of a causal agent. I second Kat, I came her looking for info on the side effects, benefits/negatives specifically for those suffering with ME/CFS and FM. I have an appointment for my first shot this weekend. That led to asceptic meningitis/encephalitis in 2003 from which I have had ME/CFS ever since. Once u start sweating in a mask bacteria etc may render it useless. Had second Pfizer vaccine on Feb. 16th. Not sure which vaccine I will get, but, from the information so far, Moderna seems most compatible for me. Myself and my husband had COVID in March 2020. There are other long-term issues I’d be concerned about as well all for a virus with a 99% chance of recovery. Instead the hospitalization rate is pretty darn high. But that one pole-axed me for about 3 weeks and left me with such bad symptoms I was referred to a rheumatologist (not common in the UK). Arm tender. Today’s Monday, March 15, and I’ve had absolutely no side effects, not even a red spot on the injection site. The vaccine rollout has been slower than expected. Given that COVID can be deadly for people my age (69) and with my various additional conditions, I’m leaning strongly leaning on getting it as soon as it’s available here. I’ve been diagnosed with Long COVID. Thank you Cort . My MD told me in her honest opinion if I ever have to undergo surgery again she feels I will not recover. I am awaiting Antibody results but they seem to be taking quit some time :(, I will do further research once these results are obtained. I hope most of the general public does get vaccinated. I had certainly started drawing some conclusions until I realised that there are gaping holes in the data, and that in reality any conclusions are to be dealt with with a great deal of scepticism. This is not to say that some will not have a negative response. The second shot I’m sure will not be easy. I know this is a big request and want to thank you for all your work putting into together on HR. I hope for your sake you begin to improve. Still having symptoms of bowel irritation, headache & joint pain after over 2 weeks from having AZ vaccine. I was taken to the ER/A&E by ambulance the night after my first shot, but all blood work and vitals are okay. Of course you don’t know if you’re going to have a bad reaction to the vaccine either. Good news was Lymphoma is now undetected, bad news is I haven’t recovered from fatigue. I’m reading the side effects from the second shot are worse. I forgot to put Covid Arm in the survey– an angry rash that covered about half of my upper arm and itched. But what if not?? I am actually pretty happy as I now take joy in my family and the things I can accomplish. Check out three articles on the best masks to wear. Tell us how your coronavirus vaccination went and find out how other people with ME/CFS and/or FM fared with their coronavirus vaccination in Health Rising’s Coronavirus Vaccine Side Effects Poll. Thanks for your ever wonderful interest and support you give us Cort. Steroids may nip it in the bud early. Hi Cort, What a relief! After the first shot I felt better as well until I hand washed my car and took a 5 hour drive. ————————, ‘The Effects of Influenza Vaccination on Immune Function in Patients with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis’. The morning is the worst, as is my fibromyalgia in general. Yet we have Ivermectin, safe, actually is a prophylactic, and treatment. It would be interesting to hear from any others who have had improvements and whether they are long lasting. My daughter had mild excema until age 3. Since then, I have had lightheadedness, bad fibro fog, passed out once, and have pressure headaches with trouble concentrating. I wish all of you good health! I have fibromyalgia and I’m also a cancer patient. The first shot has caused a significant spike in my fibromyalgia., Ha… I forgot to put that side effect into the poll ., Emeritus Professor Robert Clancy AM MB BS PhD DSc FRACP FRCP(A) RS(N) is Foundation Professor Pathology, Medical School University Newcastle, Clinical Immunologist and (Previous) Head of the Newcastle Mucosal Immunology Group, with special interest in airways infection and vaccine development. I was hoping you would say if getting the vaccine would cause a spike in my Fibromyalgia and CFS. The Coronavirus Vaccine Side Effects Poll for the Severely Ill, THE ME/CFS and FM CORONAVIRUS VACCINATION SIDE EFFECTS POLL. While there has been some improvement, I continue to have severe debilitating attacks even after a month. I do have to say I agree that hearing symptoms last 3+mnths is definitely something to consider. Are people with more severe MECFS more likely to still be suffering at 30 days / 3 months than those with higher functionality and less severe symptoms to begin with? I still have the enlarged lymph nodes, episodes of throbbing pain in that arm and the scar is always tender. Also, I have interstitial cystitis or IC, which Dr. Gordon has greatly improved by having me take Cromolyn Sodium, which is a mast cell stabilizer (a popular IC supplement, Cystoprotek, is essentially a mast cell stabilizer and that’s partly what gave him the idea). I know that these vaccines are different platforms to the flu shot. 3 trips to the ER and several specialists later yielded no real answers except to say I “probably “ should avoid vaccines. The problem can also happen in people who have not been vaccinated and it's not yet clear why it affects some people. And do you also have chemical sensitivities? Best wishes to all that do take it. ( welcome to ME/CFS) It’s quite common to develop a fever after a vaccination. (Although there were two others that didn’t show this problem). Thank you! – i couldn’t know exactly what COVID or the vaccine would do to me, but whereas the uncertainty from the vaccine comes from how it reacts with my immune system, the uncertainty from COVID comes from how it embeds itself in vital organs, possibly persists for a long time, AND how it reacts with my immune system Print and take that study to the doctor with you. But, I hope you don’t mind me also putting my 2 cents worth in about the poll design. Have you … Death rates shot up threefold in the U.K. when the new form of the virus hit there. But this wasn’t half as bad as I thought it would be. My CFS/FMS is fairly severe. 32 years ago I got sick and I only knew of it as ME or Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. I think there’s too much adjuvant in standard vaccines for us ME vaccine prone ones to aggravate an already wired and miscommunicating immune system. The UK variant may be up to 70% more contagious. He thinks I’m having a moderate episode of CFS. Pfizer 1st V 24 hours ago. After the polls gets more answers we can look at it and see if the percentage of people with more severe ME/CFS aligns with the percentage of people who are having more trouble with the vaccine. As reported on Good Morning America, advising not to get Mammograms after receiving vaccine, due to lymph nodes becoming enlarged, following vaccine. If most people are reporting mild side effects why would you expect the stats showing that most people get over them quickly to be wrong? Well thanks for listening. It did curb my appetite. Part of the vaccine will be deactivated viral particles (or something like it), part will be “other stuff”. I’m now probably as confused as I was before reading it. I anticipate it will happen relatively soon, while I more than qualify from a health standpoint, currently I do not meet the 65 age requirement. Great advice Cameron. *It is strongly recommended that we each ask our own health care providers for advice on this topic. Wow! However, at the time I asked for advice, the J&J vaccine had not yet gotten the green light. Will have my second dose of Pfizer next week and be tested four weeks later for antibodies to see if the vaccine was effective or if we tamped down the immune system too much. That’s the only reason. Hard when I used to travel and swim and work f t and had a fun and exciting life. Hence, it can be deduced that influenza vaccines may increase the production of both pro and anti-inflammatory cytokines in the CFS/ME patients. Image by torstensimon from Pixabay. Health Rising’s Coronavirus Vaccine Side Effects Poll. To Norah– Since the shot, Adderall doesn’t seem to work. I found this poll / comments tremendously helpful. Flu vaccine side effects. Since COVID is so often asymptomatic, getting the shot while unknowingly infected might be enough to push your body into dangerously ill territory. Most people had still failed to fully recover from the initial infection (25% – much worse off, 16% – moderately worse off, 19% – somewhat worse off.) I am surprised by Dr Bell’s rating scale. All that anxiety for nothing. Thank the gods. These side effects of Pfizer’s vaccine have raised concerns for the people in the UK. Anyone heard of such reaction? I don’t think covid would have given me a worse illness than the vaccine did but it seems governments are going the way of vaccine passports and restricting people’s freedom unless they get the vaccine. amzn_assoc_width = 265; That’s really interesting. But covid could be so much worse. Ten million people (1.7%) in the E.U. I have MCS too Donna. It was no picnic.. Now that would be an interesting poll No symptoms for 2 full days, Day 3 after the second Pfizer vaccine Just wanted to know if headaches are normal this far after 10 days or is my brain inflamed or something i have still been doing my waking cardio its nuts 2 days ago i walked for an hour n half not much pain at all. Had reaction to first Pfizer vaccine. On the one hand I feel like I’ve survived one bout of COVID and must retain some tiny kind of residual immunity – even if they say this only lasts a few months – on the other hand I don’t want to get sick with COVID again…and not be so lucky next time. Something to keep in mind when thinking about getting a vaccine. My doc is sending me to an immunologist for evaluation. Read the blog, though, to learn what ME/CFS experts think. Obviously with our community everyone is different and reactions to the vaccines, as with anything we do, will be different for each of us and I am not advocating for the vaccine as I was apprehensive myself but I never expected this reaction and thought I should share it here and it is interesting to see I am not alone. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; So much so that when I get dizzy, I have to close my eyes for hours, because if I move my body at all it feels like I am on a rollercoaster and going to pass out again. Aches and pains, headache but otherwise not to bad. My first Pfizer vaccination shot went well. This includes people aged 18 to 29 years who are health and social care workers, unpaid carers and household contacts of those who are severely immunosuppressed. This is much safer then these experimental vaccines. Right next to the submit button at the bottom of the poll is the blue Results link. Unable to perform any strenuous tasks. Thank you., Actually, in the face of many controlled studies around the world now this has been approved by NIH/CDC: Hi. When I go out for medical appointments I keep the distance and wear my mask. Wondering whether anyone would have links to studies or research that might explain the anecdotal improvements to ME conditions following the mRNA vaccines? Has my inside squirming it before the vaccine before the first time in 3 years ago longer. Rough time I wish I could exercise but regret it terribly every time I not! Were reading the blog, though, and a former smoker, that didn! 'S 111 service AZ vaccine my baseline was worse idea if the pain receptors you will get,,... Until after I underwent emergency major surgery and my ME/CFS symptoms have become moderately.! Gamble on the plus side – the flare up was on the side effects of the polls. Nothing compared to the ER with severe pain and was much worst for a with. 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