Our Partners

Telugu Christian Congregation(TCC), Kuwait

Telugu Christian Congregation was established in 1971 and this year they have celebrated their Golden Jubilee of completing 50 years of service for the glory of God in a non-christian country. During this period God enabled them to plant 16 more congregations, a Bible College the “Telugu Kraisthava Vedantha Vidyalayam” (Telugu Christian Theological College) offering Bachelor degree in Theology (B Th) and a Master’s degree in Divinity and help register an umbrella organization for Telugu Christians all over the world known as the “Global Telugu Christian Ministries” (GTCM) in Hyderabad in 2001 for His glory. 

God chose one brother by name Livingston Gadde like Nehemiah in the Bible and his wife sister Sudarshanam of Guntur, Andhra Pradesh along with other brothers and sisters from the Telugu Christian Community in Kuwait like brothers Benny Joseph Sade, Devasahayam Gollamandala, Sadanandam Chandralapalaka, John Somaiah Madda, Jayakumar.Karnati, Kutumba Rao to accomplish God’s plans and purposes. God also led other brothers in the USA and India to partner with bro. Livingston and his team specially in establishing the Bible College and Global Telugu Christian Ministries. To God be the glory great things He has done.
Kuwait is a dry, hot desert country where TCC is like a stream to quench the spiritual thirst of people there.
Rockland County | RCTCF | New City | New York

New City, New York.

Partners in Ministry

Indian Christian Fellowship New England

Service: Last Saturday of every month @ 6:00 PM
Venue: Hellenic Gospel Church, Newton. MA

Br. Samuel Beera 508-966-3543

Br. Benedict Ravi 860-688-4285

Br. Matthews Teli 508-845-0143

Holy Ministries, Guntur

Holy Ministries, Guntur.

Bethany House of Worship

Sunday Service- 10:30 PM

Wednesday- 7:00 PM
Prayer and Bible Study

Address – 1070 W 69th Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19126

Bro. Anil Paul – 215-635-7082
Email: anilpaul390@msn.com


Dr. Joseph Paturi | TCF | Cincinnati | Ohio
Bro. Regi Paul | Children's Ministry | Chicago | Illinois
Bro. Paul Ravuri | TCF | Detroit | Michigan
Bro. Arthur Katikala | TCF | Dallas | Texas
Bro. Ernest Gulla | TCF | Boston | Massachusetts
Rev. Rajendra Kadia | ICF | Toronto | Canada
Bro. Vijay Pilli | TCF | Charlotte | North Carolina
Rev. Sudershan Nunna | TCF | Los Angeles | California
Bro. Ravi Cheenapally | TCF | Troy | Michigan
Bro. Suresh Talatoti / Bro. Sunil Mogadati | TCF | Denver | Colorado
Bro. Moses S Raj / Bro. Raj Kiran Chigurupati | TCF | Pittsburg | Pennsylvania
Rev. Dr. Younis Farhat | IPF | Atlanta | Georgia
Rev. Ernest Paul | TCF | Silver Springs | Maryland
United Telugu Christian Fellowship | TCF | New York | New York
Bro. Shyam Pilli | TCF | Fairfax | Virginia
Bro. Sam Merigala | TCF | Bear | Delaware