Our mandate for these  is the commandment Lord Jesus Christ to His disciples before going back to Heaven known as the GREAT COMMISSION in Matthew: 28: 18-20.

Our Mission first is to tell the people around us the GOOD NEWS or GOSPEL that Jesus Christ came into this world to save mankind from their sins whoever sincerely asks Him to forgive their sins by confessing and forsaking them and accepting Him as their savior & lord and thus becoming a disciple of Him in this life. Jesus promised that all such people with live with Him forever in Heaven ones their life’s pilgrimage is over on Earth. In order to save people from their sins He took upon Himself all the past, present and future sins of mankind and offered His body as a sacrifice on the CROSS and raising from the DEAD and going back to Heaven. This GOOD  NEWS or The GOSPEL we preach in our local Church, to others through OUTREACH in New Jersey, other states in the USA and Canada as the Lord enables us.

With regards to the VISION of the TCFNJ, we have taken this GOOD NEWS to all the CONTINENTS encouraging Telugu Christians in these places to establish Fellowships and Churches to make disciples for Lord Jesus Christ, to do OUTREACH, and bring others into the fold of Christ and thus fulfilling the GREAT COMMISSION our Lord has given to us and reap a rich HARVEST of SOULS for our Lord before He comes back to take the worldwide disciples of Him to be with Him forever.